Högsta noggrannhet och kostnadseffektiv
Fluxgate Precision Current Transducer-produkter

AIT High Precision Current Transducer

HIT Hall Effect Substituting Current Transducer

DIT High Precision Digital Current Transducer
Precisionsspänningsgivare och testprodukter

HCV High Precision Voltage Transdcuer

HIU High Precision AC/DC Tester

Three-Phase Power Energy Meter Field Calibration Device
Kalibreringsmätare med lägre noggrannhet som multimeter, effektmätare etc.
Om oss
Hangzhi är ett högteknologiskt företag beläget i Shenzhen, Kina, innovativt utvecklade och designade högprecisionsströmsensorer och standardtestare med kombinationen av teknologier, inklusive flerpunkts nollflöde, flux excitation close-loop-kontroll, självexciterad fluxgate-teknik och multi-close loop-kontroll. Strömgivarna kan detektera både likströmsflöde, växelströmsflöde och högfrekvent rippel med en inbyggd högfrekvent rippelavkänningskanal, vilket gör att givarna har både hög förstärkning och noggrannhet vid full bandbredd.
New Product Release, News & Events

Dr. Tian Shared The Fluxgate Current Sensor Tech At CPSSC
The 2024 China Power Electronics and Energy Conversion Conference (CPEEC 2024) and the 27th Annual Academic Conference and Exhibition of the China Power Supply Society

Hangzhi participated in the 1st MIEE with cut edge products
From October 30 to 31, first Metrology Instrumentation and Equipment Exhibition with the theme of “Metrology Supports New Quality Productivity” was successfully held at Suzhou

SAMR leaders & expert visited the Hangzhi booth for guidance
The first Metrology Instrumentation and Equipment Exhibition(MIEE) 2024 was held at Suzhou International Expo Center from October 30 to 31. Shenzhen Hangzhi Precision Electronics Co.,

New, Hangzhi Will Participate In The 27th Exhibition of CPSS
From November 8 to 11, 2024, Xi’an will hold the 2024 China Power Electronics and Energy Conversion Conference. And the 27th Annual Academic Conference and

Hangzhi precision two Cities double Exhibition Reviews
In the golden autumn, Hangzhi Precision participated in the 49th electromagnetic measurement technology, standards, product international seminars and exhibitions and 2024 Beijing International Wind Energy

Know Current Sensors How To Enhance Industrial Efficiency
A current sensor measures electric currents and turns them into a quantifiable output. This data can then be used for control, monitoring, or protection across various