Hangzhi delivers advanced current transducers for renewable energy applications, supporting accurate monitoring for solar, wind, and other green technologies.
PCS テストベンチ

The test platform built with high-precision current sensors AIT60-SG, AIT200-SG, AIT600-SG, AIT1000-SG and a power analyzer can simultaneously perform PCS input measurement and PCS output measurement.
PV PCS テストプラットフォーム用製品
The power converters / inverters play a critical role for both wind turbine generation and PV generation to converter the various forms of power generated and then get them connected to the grid. The performance of the current measurement in these systems determines the performance and the efficiency of the power converters and inverters accordingly. Hall-effect current transducers were traditionally utilized in those converters, but Hangzhi have developed HIT hall effect substituting current transducers with zero flux gate technology were also developed to meet the industrial application with 0.05% accuracy but much lower cost for larger deployment, which is similar with traditional hall effect current transducers.
HIT 電流トランスデューサは精度がはるかに高く、ゼロ ドリフト、温度ドリフト、応答時間、帯域幅の点で優れた性能を備えているため、これらは従来のホール効果電流トランスデューサの高性能代替品です。
上記の利点により、HIT 電流トランスデューサは、電流測定デバイスとして PV および風力タービンのコンバータに広く組み込まれています。