Apa itu sensor arus fluxgate dan prinsip kerjanya?
Prinsip kerja sensor arus fluxgate presisi tinggi:
Di bawah aksi arus eksitasi positif dan negatif, inti magnet yang mudah jenuh digunakan untuk membuat induktansi inti magnet berubah dengan besarnya arus eksitasi, sehingga fluks magnet inti magnet terus berubah.
Itu fluxgate current sensor uses the non-linear relationship between the magnetic induction intensity and the magnetic field intensity of the high magnetic permeability core in the measured magnetic field under the saturation excitation of the alternating magnetic field to measure the weak magnetic field. This physical phenomenon seems to be a “gate” to the measured ambient magnetic field. Through this “gate”, the corresponding magnetic flux is modulated and an induced electromotive force is generated. This phenomenon is used to measure the magnetic field generated by the current, so as to indirectly achieve the purpose of measuring the current.

Prinsip Dasar Pengoperasian Sensor Fluxgate
Dalam sirkuit magnetik, untuk mendeteksi medan magnet yang sama dengan fluks magnet nol, kumparan sekunder harus dieksitasi oleh arus yang diperlukan. Di lingkungan fluks magnet nol, arus sensor diperkuat melalui kumparan sekunder, yang dipastikan sebanding dengan arus primer yang diukur. . Ip=Nd. Inti feromagnetik Is dan kumparan bantu membentuk induktor jenuh. Dalam kasus fluks magnet nol, deteksi sirkuit magnetik sensor didasarkan pada perubahan induktansi induktor.

Hangzhi Precision - Salah satu produsen sensor arus fluxgate terbaik
Presisi Hangzhi is one of the best suppliers who manufacture top performance and cost effective sensor arus gerbang fluks. Hangzhi zero fluxgate transduser saat ini and current sensors have high accuracy, linearity & stability, and low temperature drift and zero drift. More details about the Teknologi gerbang fluks multi titik nol tersedia dalam artikel yang ditulis oleh pakar Hangzhi dan dipublikasikan di situs web IEEE.
Few series of AC / DC current transducer products with different accuracy levels and output signal types are developed to meet various applications in different industries.

Akurasi Terbaik & Hemat Biaya
Produk Transduser Arus Presisi Fluxgate

HIT Hall Effect Substituting Current Transducer

DIT High Precision Digital Current Transducer
Produk Transduser & Penguji tegangan presisi

Penguji DC Presisi Tinggi Kelas 0,01%

Three-Phase Power Energy Meter Field Calibration Device
Pelanggan kami dari transduser Zero Fluxgate
Hangzhi AC / DC zero flux gate current transformers have been widely used in electrical equipment, medical equipment, battery testing equipment and calibration equipment etc. Especially, they are well recognized by national R&D institutes, national metrology institutes, and global medical and electrical manufacturers