Akurasi Terbaik & Hemat Biaya
Produk Transduser Arus Presisi Fluxgate
HIT Hall Effect Substituting Current Transducer
DIT High Precision Digital Current Transducer
Produk Transduser & Penguji tegangan presisi
Penguji DC Presisi Tinggi Kelas 0,01%
Three-Phase Power Energy Meter Field Calibration Device
Industri Aplikasi
Pengukur kalibrasi dengan akurasi lebih rendah seperti multi-meter, pengukur daya, dll.
Tentang kami
Hangzhi adalah perusahaan teknologi tinggi yang berlokasi di ShenZhen, Cina, secara inovatif mengembangkan dan merancang sensor arus presisi tinggi & penguji standar dengan kombinasi teknologi termasuk fluks-nol titik multi, kontrol loop dekat eksitasi fluks, teknologi fluxgate self-excited dan kontrol loop multi-close. Transduser saat ini dapat mendeteksi fluks DC, fluks AC, dan riak frekuensi tinggi dengan saluran penginderaan riak frekuensi tinggi bawaan, yang memungkinkan transduser memiliki penguatan dan akurasi tinggi pada bandwidth penuh.
New Product Release, News & Events
5 Strong Reasons You Should Know About Current Transducers
As an electrical engineer, your job is to come up with a complex control system for a power plant. To make sure the system works
Hangzhi Participated In VINAMAC Expo With High Tech Products
The VINAMAC Expo 2024 came to a successful conclusion. Shenzhen Hangzhi Precision Electronics Co., Ltd. made its debut at the Saigon International Exhibition and Convention
How to Choose the Right Current Sensor for Medical Equipment
In the gradient amplifier system of MRI equipment, the output feedback from the high precision current sensor that can control the precise phase of the
New! Hangzhi will participate in VINAMAC Expo 2024
From November 21st to 23rd, 2024, VINAMAC Expro 2024 will be held in Ho Chi Minh City, where industry elites will gather together to discuss
Dr. Tian Shared The Fluxgate Current Sensor Tech At CPSSC
The 2024 China Power Electronics and Energy Conversion Conference (CPEEC 2024) and the 27th Annual Academic Conference and Exhibition of the China Power Supply Society
Hangzhi participated in the 1st MIEE with cut edge products
From October 30 to 31, first Metrology Instrumentation and Equipment Exhibition with the theme of “Metrology Supports New Quality Productivity” was successfully held at Suzhou
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