Hangzhi Precision

AIT High Precision Current Transducers

In medical equipment (MRI, Heavy Ion Accelerator), power analyzing, electrical calibration, and power metering industries, high precision current transducer is critical to secure the high performance of the equipment.

Thanks to the Multi point zero flux gate technology and close-looped excitation control technology, Hangzhi high precision current transducer products have high accuracy, linearity & stability, and low temperature drift and zero drift features, and are providing services to our customers with the top performance and effective cost.

Key Features of Hangzhi High Precision Current Sensor

Top Accuracy

Up to 1ppm, and 10ppm, 20ppm & 50ppm products available.

High Linearity

Low Zero Drift

Zero Drift: 2ppm

AC / DC Measurement

AC / DC Measurement

Can measure AC, DC, and Pulse currents.

Low Temperature Drift

Low Temperature Drift

Temperature Drift: 1ppm/ 10 ℃

Full Scale Accuracy

0.01% accuracy achievable from 1A to 1000A, leading in the industry.

Self Protection Integrated

Can start with load; Overload protection & auto-recovery; Leading in the industry

Catagories of Hangzhi High Precision AC & dC Current Transducer

Hangzhi high precision current transducer / sensor products were developed on the basis of Multi-Point Zero Flux Gate technology, which can be applied for both AC and DC current measurement application, with analogical current, digital signal via RS232/485 & 0-10V voltage output options available. All Hangzhi high precision current transducer / sensor products are CE EMC & RoHS compliant.

AIT series high precision current sensor , which was originally developed, then DIT series digital high precision transducer (output via field bus directly, RS232/485) and AIT-10V series which a high precision current transducer with 0-10V output, were subsequently added into the portofolio basis on the technologies applied in AIT series products to meet different applications’ purposes.

Measuring range: from 60A to 1500A (Please visit High Current Transducer for range above 1500A)
Output signal: analogical current output
Accuracy: max 10ppm
Linearity: max 2ppm;
Time stability: 0.2ppm/month;
Temperature stability: 0.1ppm/K;
Frequency Bandwidth (-3dB): 500kHz;
Dynamic response time: 1uS & 100A/us;

Click HERE to download datasheets

Measuring range: from 60A to 1500A  (Please visit High Current Transducer for range above 1500A)
Output signal: standard 0-10V voltage signal
Accuracy: 50ppm (Parts Per Million)
Linearity: max 20ppm;
Time stability: 0.5ppm/month;
Temperature stability: 0.5ppm/K;
Frequency Bandwidth (-3dB): 500kHz;
Dynamic response time: di/dt=1.5V/us;

Click HERE to download datasheets

Hangzhi High Precision Fluxgate Current Sensor Catalog

- Current output products

Product modelPrimary rated DC currentPrimary rated AC RMSPrimary overload currentSupply voltageRatio (primary: secondary)Rated output currentAccuracyLinearityBandwidth (Hz)Aperture (mm)Datasheet3D Model
AIT60-SG±60A42A±72A±15V600:1100mA10ppm2ppm500k25AIT60-SG DatasheetStep File
AIT100-SG±100A70A±120A±15V1000:1100mA10ppm2ppm500k25AIT100-SG DatasheetStep File
AIT200-SG±200A141A±240A±15V1000:1200mA10ppm2ppm500k25AIT200-SG DatasheetStep File
AIT300-SG±300A212A±360A±15V2000:1150mA10ppm2ppm500k25AIT300-SG DatasheetStep File
AIT400-SG±400A282A±480A±15V2000:1200mA10ppm2ppm500k25AIT400-SG Datasheet
AIT500-SG±500A353A±600A±15V1500:1333mA10ppm2ppm500k38AIT500-SG Datasheet
AIT600-SG±600A424A±720A±15V1500:1400mA10ppm2ppm500k38AIT600-SG DatasheetStep File
AIT700-SG±700A495A±840A±15V1750:1400mA10ppm2ppm500k38AIT700-SG DatasheetStep File
AIT1000-SG±1000A707A±1200A±15V1500:1667mA10ppm2ppm500k38AIT1000-SG DatasheetStep File
AIT1500-SG±1500A1060A±1600A±15V1000:11500mA10ppm2ppm500k38AIT1500-SG DatasheetStep File

Hangzhi high precision current transducer 0-10V output Catalog

Product modelPrimary rated DC currentPrimary rated AC RMSPrimary overload currentSupply voltageRatio (primary: secondary)Rated output currentAccuracyLinearityBandwidthAperture (mm)Datasheet3D Model
AIT2-10V±2A1.4A±2.4A±15V5000mV/A±10V50ppm10ppm500k25AIT2-10V Datasheet
AIT5-5V±5A3.5A±6A±15V1000mV/A±5V50ppm10ppm500k25AIT5-5V Datasheet
AIT10-10V±10A7.8A±12A±15V1000mV/A±10V50ppm10ppm500k25AIT10-10V Datasheet
AIT20-10V±20A14A±24A±15V500mV/A±10V50ppm10ppm500k25AIT20-10V Datasheet
AIT30-10V±30A21A±36A±15V333.3mV/A±10V50ppm10ppm500k25AIT30-10V Datasheet
AIT50-10V±50A35A±60A±15V200mV/A±10V50ppm10ppm500k25AIT50-10V DatasheetStep File
AIT60-10V±60A43A±72A±15V166.7mV/A±10V50ppm10ppm500k25AIT60-10V DatasheetStep File
AIT100-10V±100A70A±120A±15V100mV/A±10V50ppm10ppm500k25AIT100-10V DatasheetStep File
AIT200-10V±200A140A±240A±15V50mV/A±10V50ppm10ppm500k25AIT200-10V DatasheetStep File
AIT300-10V±300A212A±360A±15V33.3mV/A±10V50ppm10ppm500k25AIT300-10V DatasheetStep File
AIT400-10V±400A282A±480A±15V25mV/A±10V50ppm10ppm500k25AIT400-10V DatasheetStep File
AIT600-10V±600A424A±720A±15V16.7mV/A±10V50ppm10ppm500k38AIT600-10V DatasheetStep File
AIT700-10V±700A500A±840A±15V14.3mV/A±10V50ppm10ppm500k38AIT700-10V DatasheetStep File
AIT1000-10V±1000A707A±1200A±15V10mV/A±10V50ppm10ppm500k38AIT1000-10V DatasheetStep File
AIT1500-10V±1500A1000A±1600A±15V6.7mV/A±10V50ppm10ppm500k38AIT1500-10V DatasheetStep File

Typical Applications of Hangzhi High Precision AC & DC Current Transducer

AIT high precision current sensor & MRI
AIT high precision current sensor & MRI

In the MRI system, the gradient amplifier unit refers to all circuit units related to the gradient magnetic field.

Its function is that the system provides linearity that meets the requirements and can quickly switch the gradient field to determine the slice position and imaging slice degree; the linearity of the gradient coil is an index to measure the stability of the gradient field. The better the linearity, the more accurate the gradient field, and the better the image quality. The current linearity inside the gradient coil highly depends on the current controller and current measurement which is done by high precision current transducer.

Hangzhi AIT series high precision current sensor have been integrated into various electrical testing benches for AC or DC current measurement purpose, such as convertor/invertor and transformer testing benches.

Hangzhi AIT 0-10V output high precision current transducer (AIT60/200/300/600/1000) are compatible with most power analyzers, such as:

YOKOGAWA: WT3000 & WT1800 series power analyzer;
Newtons4th: PPA3500 series;
HIOKI: PW3390/PW6001 series;
Tektronix: PA4000 series;
Keysight Integravision: PA2200 series;
Fluke: Norma 4000/5000 series;
GMC: LMG450/610/640/670;
ZLG: PA series;

EV converter testing
AIT high precision current transducer & Electrical testing bench

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