Top nøjagtighed og omkostningseffektiv
Fluxgate Precision Current Transducer-produkter

HIT Hall Effect Substituting Current Transducer

DIT High Precision Digital Current Transducer
Præcisionsspændingstransducer og testerprodukter

HCV High Precision Voltage Transdcuer

Trefaset strømenergimåler feltkalibreringsenhed
Kalibreringsmålere med lavere nøjagtighed som multimeter, effektmåler osv.
Om os
Hangzhi er en højteknologisk virksomhed beliggende i Shenzhen, Kina, innovativt udviklet og designet højpræcisionsstrømsensorer og standardtestere med kombinationen af teknologier, bl.a. multipunkt nul-flux, flux excitation close-loop kontrol, selv-exciteret fluxgate teknologi og multi-close loop kontrol. Strømtransducerne kan detektere både DC-flux, AC-flux og højfrekvent ripple med en indbygget højfrekvent ripple-sensorkanal, som giver transducerne både høj forstærkning og nøjagtighed ved den fulde båndbredde.
New Product Release, News & Events

Fluke Technical Expert Visited Hangzhi For Tech Exchanges
In order to further enhance the business capabilities and professional qualities of Hangzhi employees. And ensure that the Hangzhi team can provide customers with more

Hangzhi won the “Outstanding Enterprise of the Year” award
On December 11, the “4th Advanced Sensor Award Ceremony” hosted by the Sensor and Internet of Things Industry Association (SIA) was grandly held in Xiamen.

Understanding Current Transducers for Beginners
Table of Contents In the realm of electrical engineering, understanding the flow of current is paramount. Whether it’s for monitoring power consumption, protecting circuits, or

Keep to the mission, happy 7th birthday to Hangzhi
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Fluxgate vs Hall Effect Sensors: Which Technology is Better
Table of Contents Fluxgate vs. Hall Effect Sensors: Which Technology is Better for Power Grid Monitoring? Precision and stability are essential for smooth, reliable power

Current Sensors how to Improve Accuracy in Power Measurement
Table of Contents In an increasingly electrified world, accurate power measurement is crucial for everything from optimizing energy consumption to ensuring the safety and efficiency